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Brief introduction to the working principle of photoelectric encoder code disk

Encoder encoder disk etching

Encoder code wheel, also known as pulse encoder code wheel, is a kind of rotary digital measuring element, which is usually installed on the shaft to be tested and converted into digital size by the angular displacement of the shaft. Encoder coding is divided into incremental encoder code wheel and absolute encoder code wheel. Incremental encoder code wheel is output in the form of incremental pulse of output signal, while absolute encoder code wheel is output in the form of digital coding through output signal. According to the internal structure and detection methods, it can be divided into contact type, photoelectric type and electromagnetic type, and photoelectric encoders are widely used in CNC machine tools.

Photoelectric encoder is composed of light emitting diode (LED) with point container, light barrier, photoelectric encoder, photosensitive element and signal processing circuit. The code wheel of photoelectric encoder is made of glass and stainless steel. Stainless steel encoder code wheel needs to be etched. The encoder code wheel has the advantages of clear etched code track, smooth and delicate surface and side surface, and no burr, and can be produced in large quantities. For special patterns and high technological thinness, the encoder code wheel etching can be difficult to solve.


Contact: andy_Lai

Phone: 18938693450


Add: Building A3, Huafa Industrial Park, Fuyong Town, Fuyuan Road, Fuyong Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen,China